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whoreish whore

I was with someone the other day when a particular superstar we all know showed up in a particularly cringey ad promoting some particularly cringey product. It was nothing new. And the dude next to me said, "God, [name of superstar] is really whoreing themselves out." And I thought, "yeah" then moved on.

I've heard something along these lines my entire career. And to be honest, I never really thought twice about it. But this time?

Truth is, there have been COUNTLESS times where I've 'whored' myself out for much less than a multi-million dollar partnership with a multi-national corporation. I can't count the number of gigs i've played that were internally humiliating because I needed cash, or press, or worse...exposure.

But this dude next to me? The one that pointed out the whoreish-ness of said celebrity? Dude works in an office everyday doin a job he doesn't like for a business he doesn't own making owners that don't care about him insanely rich. So. My question: who's the bigger whore?

Yeah. We artists can be whores.

But at least we enjoy the sex.

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